Call NOW to urge Senator Murray from Washington State to support the right of all people with disabilities to live in freedom!
Call 1-866-220-0044.
Ask for Senator Murray from Washington State's office.
cosponsor the Disability Integration Act (S.2427). Because she is the
Ranking Member of the Senate HELP Committee and someone who has
cosponsored previous legislation that addressed Medicaid's
institutional bias, I am hoping she will cosponsor this vital civil
rights legislation.”
The proposed legislation says:
public entity or LTSS insurance provider shall deny an individual with
an LTSS disability who is eligible for institutional placement, or
otherwise discriminate against that individual
in the provision of, community-based long-term services and supports
that enable the individual to live in the community and lead an
independent life."
legislation would also make it illegal for a state and insurance
providers that pay for LTSS to fail to provide HCBS by using waiting
lists, screening people out, capping services, paying workers
too little for services, or the other excuses which states have used to
keep people from living in freedom.
You can learn more about the legislation here:
The full supporter list is available at:
Call NOW to urge Senator Murray from Washington State to support the right of all people with disabilities to live in freedom!
Call 1-866-220-0044.
Ask for Senator Murray from Washington State's office.
them: “Please cosponsor the Disability Integration Act (S.2427).
Because she is the Ranking Member of the Senate HELP Committee and
someone who has cosponsored previous legislation that addressed
Medicaid's institutional bias, I am hoping she will cosponsor this
vital civil rights legislation.”

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